Three white cisgender men were chosen as hosts of the Eurovision Song Contest with the slogan „Celebrate diversity!“ But Ukrainian media work tirelessly to remedy this lack of diversity. One of leading Ukrainian news channels released material with the following title: „Three hosts of “Eurovision-2017” are often asked „Which one is gay „. Here are few quotes from the material:
“Oleksandr (one of Eurovision hosts) said that hosts sometimes become objects of jokes, given the fact that the majority of the audience of competition are people with non-traditional sexual orientation.“
„This is one of the most popular questions: “Which one of you is gay?“ But since me and Vova are all set – we have families – mostly these questions relate to Timur (Miroshnychenko), who is unmarried,“ – Skichko told us.”
We know that in past Timur Miroshnichenko provided homophobic commentary to Eurovision contests on national television channel. And while our media and TV presenters distinguish „traditional“ and „non-traditional“ orientation, they remain perfect in timeless homophobia. Diversity of this homophobia can be seen in all spheres of Ukrainian public life. Thus, homophobic politicians with the support of the homophobic council of churches block passing of anti-discrimination legislation and removed from the texts of laws terms „gender“ and „sexual orientation“ as „unacceptable to the Ukrainian society and the Church.“ Police ignores growing homophobic far-right violence, and media persons and media invent tabloid „scandals“ and look for „neutral“ position between the discriminated groups and those who commit violence against them, believing that the truth is somewhere in between.