„Cleaning up the city“ – Roma Settlement burned down

Roma settlement after the fire

At 00:43 AM on 30th of March deputy of Kyiv City Council Andriy Strannikov published a post on Facebook, where he stated that he and his supporters are preparing to commit certain acts in order to react to the “problem” of presence of the Roma settlement in Kyiv. The nature of these acts he could not disclose. Quote: “In order not to harm our cause I cannot disclose all the details at the moment, some things we cannot discuss publicly.”
From activists who were working with children in Roma settlement we know, that on 31th of March at 5 am people in balaclava masks came to the settlement, photographed everyone there, took their fingerprints and told everyone to leave. They threatened everyone, using forthcoming Eurovision as an excuse.
Already on 6th of April Radio Svoboda informed that settlement in Kyiv’s district of Bereznyaky where representatives of the Roma national minority lived was burned down. They left the settlement the day before the fire and no one was hurt. Roma say that police bought them train tickets to Zakarpattya region of Ukraine.
Olga Zhmurko, Roma Program Initiative Director of the Renaissance foundation, classifies the arson that took place on eve of 5th of April an “already known method of cleaning up the city from people who are supposedly “unattractive” to eyes of the foreign guests”, according to Hromadske Radio.




  1. http://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/28414405.html
  2. https://hromadskeradio.org/ru/programs/chiriklo/vyselennya-romiv-z-taboru-u-kyyevi-ce-porushennya-prav-lyudyny-pravozahysnyky
  3. https://www.facebook.com/molod.za.myr/photos/a.242179065908321.55195.242152805910947/1169717836487768/?type=3&theater
  4. https://www.facebook.com/groups/kiev.bereznyaki/permalink/1867050483321245/?hc_location=ufi